Bobcat Bounty
Welcome to Bobcat Bounty

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Learn all about the Food Security Learning Community
The Food Security Learning Community (FSLC) at Texas State identifies problems of global, national, state, local, and institutional food security, and explores novel policy-, systems-, and environmental- solutions to those problems.
FSLC was started by Co-Directors Hannah Thornton and Lesli Biediger-Friedman and engages dietetic interns and the Texas State student community in identifying the problem and designing an intervention. One solution to a growing local food security issue is Bobcat Bounty, the first on-campus student-run food pantry. Bobcat Bounty has been operating since 2017.
Today, under the direction of Dr. Lesli Biediger-Friedman, Bobcat Bounty is a component of the Nutrition LEADers program housed within the school of Family & Consumer Sciences. Nutrition LEADers is funded in part by the USDA and aims to uplift underrepresented student populations in the field of nutrition. Students continue to follow the Nutrition Care Process for Community and Public Health Nutrition to assess need, identify problems, design interventions, implement models and evaluate. While implementing Bobcat Bounty our student LEADers are gaining valuable professional experience and research opportunities.
Our market-style pantry serves as a site of experiential learning while striving to address food insecurity in and around Texas State University. This is done in partnership with the Hays County Food Bank. Find more about HCFB here.
Additionally, we have multiple Cupboard locations across campus to allow 24/7 access to food. Find more about Cupboards here.